i[b] Sentenced Landscape - The Selokan



Lower sound (not mute) in video manually and play audio above. Scroll down for background video.


Works Cited

Text: Karen D. van Minnen

Appadurai, Arjun. The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacres et Simulation, Éditions Galilée. 1981.

Debord, Guy. La société du spectacle, Buchet-Chastel. 1967.

Derrida, Jacques. Limited inc: abc... Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.

Fromm, Erich: To Have or to Be? Harper & Row. 1976.

Hird, Myra J. Knowing Waste: Towards an Inhuman Epistemology. Social Epistemology, 2012, pp. 453-69.

Serres, Michel. Malfeasance, Stanford University Press, 2010.

Serres, Michel. The five senses. A philosophy of mingled bodies, Bloomsbury Academic. xii, 1985.

Sperber, Dan. Rethinking Symbolism. Cambridge. University Press, 1975.

Video journalist: Howard Johnson / Producer: Virma Simonette.



First Contact - Seeing white man for the first time (click on background video for sound)


Stumpy Brown is a Wangkujanka woman who lives at Christmas Creek in the Kimberley. Stumpy has seen many changes throughout her lifetime but nothing so dramatic, when as a teenager, she saw a white man for the first time.


Rebel Films

Published on Aug 22, 2017


Lower sound (not mute) in video manually and play audio above.


Performative Gesture of Usage.

Diffractive Tools and Non-I Disaffection